Thursday, 25 February 2016

The Fibersphere /- 16:

/- 16:

Kurtzweil made predictions 
that by mid his Century
We'd evolve to reach a sort 

of techno "Singularity":
This described as pace of change 
so fast we can't keep up
unless we merge with our own tech 

but could we merge enough?
This, we know, came not to pass,
our history reads, of course. 
Famine, flooding, not the least
a planetary war,
would crimp our progress, heavily, 

now weighted to survive, 
abandoning new luxuries
to rather stay alive.

But silently and underground 
we birthed our best A.I.
We came to say "it's Brother A! 

The smartest one 'alive'!"
In semi-jest it called itself 
But some would call it (anti- techno Ludd society) "Asbestos for the lungs

of our own humanity"
So they would root,
until the fruit
It bore trancendantly,
would change our path
and few could grasp
the hold it had on we, 

transfixatively bound,
these miracles made novel-type 

imaginations found
And all of it impossible 
If Bro A was not around 
And figured we the wiser be
if sequel we could make:
A sibling for good Brother A, 

But how long would it take?
It took two decades
for this deed
And using each resource
To network all our new QCs 

underground, of course,
to first evade some satellites 

thought peeking from afar
And then to shun the solar storms 

more common from our star

And finally to flee the ice
Which southwardly advanced. 

Underground and planet-wide
we felt was our best chance
To best the "best" A.I. we've seen
But larger, thus enhanced
We networked 12, and brilliance born; 

"Lets mesh again, but more!"
And in this way, the concept
for the Fibersphere was born. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

The Fibersphere..../- 15:

/- 15:

I wake again, from whirring sounds 
and lights from overhead
searching in the distance
with eyes of infrared.

The "Seekers We" hoverbots 
are travelling in grids
and if you know which way they go

between them you can slip,
and easier when you have the toys 

I had by then retrieved,
placed with much forethought; 

escape supplies were left for me:

Evac-U-Pak, and WonderVest, 
I dig from underground
once the tree described to me 

by comrades I had found
And so before they got too close 
I grab the WonderVest
and strap it on and hit 

the center button on it's chest 
That will hide my heat
from all the eyes of infrared 
and all the menace wandering 
in orbits overhead.
and just for now 
I will allow
a momentary rest
and briefly plan the day ahead
to figure out what's next.
and hoverbots go more or less directly overhead
My eyes now closed
my comfort knows
I've banned them from my head. 

And as my wakefullness
drifts off and on throughout the night
again I feel the memories
of our species
taking flight... 

(to be continued....)

Thursday, 11 February 2016

The Fibersphere /- 14:

/- 14 :

Entangled pulsed plas-netic flow 
showed data we had found
proved at last we weren't
the only thinking game in town. 

These small ETs: were first the ones 
we'd found that's not-of-earth.
And in a million ways surprized us 
with the weirdest universe
one that doesn't need biology
to make intelligence

doesn't need solids or even time-forward events

But by quantum fluctuations
interpreted by foam
or weirder celebrations
conceived after they were thrown
Their tiny timey forth and forthback 

movvess we sorta think
It's so bizzare and such a stretch 
that no-one sleeps a wink 
Environments we thought
were WAY impossible for life, 

housing countless generations, 
hidden far beneath the light.
But below our earthly feet 
another soul was giving birth 
Behind the secret panels, 
and under spaded earth,
A hyper-smart A.I. that lived 
to carry-out our lives
(we made it so
so that our stats

won't get too far behind
as our imperfect sketches
or unmeasured grains of salt 

would make their way
to drag our E score
lowest by our fault) 

(to be continued)....

Friday, 5 February 2016

The Fibersphere ..../- 13:

/- 13:

We birthed the fibersphere pre-ice, in 3023
We gave it tenticular life
and called it "Brother B". 

"BoB" for short, but off the grid we'd often say "BB"
It gradually reorganized,
got "species-self aware"
that is to say it recognized 

the weight it brought-to-bear 
on a population whole
and all that it could do
with quantum-level thinking 

and human for their tools
It knew it was an engine 

with a new autonomy
but it's goals or motivations 

or end game....a mystery
to anyone that studied it
to any high degree.

And in 3041
It would discover "stellar souls"

.... a form of "life" in certain stars
in special layers, we were told 

called the "fractal-matrix bed" 
were their nano-lives entwined

in a dance born out hynotically
in microscopic time
their particles live backwards
in an anti-time parade
And then they all transition to
their complementary waves: 

Pulsed-magnetic EM forms
so quickly taking shape
in slices of a stellar storm
with nano-second days.
The patterns formed so beautiful 

entangled probes would show 
shapes denoting pi and e,
numbers irrational,
thereby giving pretty
freakin' solid evidence...
these shapes in nature couldn't form 

without intelligence.
And so another brilliant stroke
in magnitude revealed
the means to view this crazy place, 

normally concealed
between the surface and the core that none would dare suspect except 'the Prof' who most
had scoffed
until he'd they detect. 

(to be continued....)