Thursday, 15 October 2015

The Fibersphere (continued...1)

3023 C.E.
The Global Fibershpere went onlinr 3023: a world-wide, subterranean, fiber-optically interconnected "Network" of quantum computers (QC) and their master A.I. program called "BoB" (aka Brother B, or BB).  This concept stemmed from the success of the network in miniature, when 20 years prior, the first 12 QCs with their individual A.I.s came together within their own network to tackle our most difficult questions.  As a result of their tremendous technical breakthroughs, "the original 12" were allowed, by Central Government mandate, to continue their coalition autonomously, keeping their indiviual A.I.s and personalities intact, separate and distinct from the rest of the Network, yielded control of their "brains" to "BoB".   But these 12 were exempt, and indeed formed theirmown independent network.
"The original 12" once jokingly referred to themselves as "iOS-As-Best-As-We", but most people called them "Brother A".
The "Fibersphere" and "the original 12".  The "Network" and "As-Best-As-We".  "Brother A" and "Brother B".  "Alex" and "BpB".  People thought up so many nick-names for them, we needed a chart to keep it straight.  So here's one prepared below.

iOS - individual operating system
nOS - networked operating system

First 12 networled Quantum Computers: 3003 C.E.
"the original 12", or "the 12"
aka "Alex"
aka "Brother A"
known alter-ego's:(sub-persoanlities) "iOS-As-Best-As-We"

The Fibersphere: 3023
aka "the Network",
aka "BB",
aka "BoB",
aka "Brother B",
knwon alter-ego's: "iOS-4-fun"
                              "The Professor"

3024-3051 C.E.
This was an era of unprecedented technolical breakthroughs.  Some were made by the network, but most were conceived and engineered  by Brother A.
Firstly, "the Professor", discovered a form of proto-life later dubbed "stellar souls" living in unimaginably small timescales, that have both matter and wave parts to their life cycle... (3041C.E.).
Brother A then began attacking the problem of dark matter and dark energy, and had a tremendous breakthrough with a new Universal Field Theory.  Through these efforts, multiple ways were found of manipulating gravity, both normal and anti-gravity, creating an entirely new system of travel on earth and in space.  Throughout the 3040s and into the early 3050s, Gravi0wells, Sky-trams, Gravi-Pads, and Space Trams popped up with regularity, giving humanity far greater mobility, on earth and throughout our Solar System.

3058-3420 C.E. mini Age of Re-Glatiation
In 3058, Comet Pan-Chung grazed Earth's northern stratosphere on a very close near-miss.  This caused perturbations in Earth's orbit and spin-angle, that went on to create colder temperatures globlly and a miniture ice-age, lasting 400 years.  The ice sheets would advance as far soiuth as former Boston in3350.  A large portion of humanity sought shelter in vast underground "Purgadromes".
We knew the cold was coming, and could actually model the changes well in advance, due to accurate measurements of our orbital perturbation.  Humanity faced a grave threat to it's existence for the seocnd time in 800 years.  But this time there were accurate forecasts, and superior resourcing managed through the Fibersphere, that made possible an effective survival plan.
So as to escape from the advancing glaciers, an aggressive evacuation schedule took shape.  Managing an operation over 40 years long, able to resource man and machine power on a gloal scale, unimpeded by competing projects, competing governments or competing interests (as none existed), the Fibershphere achieved feats of engineering previously unimaginable.

To Be Continued....

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