Friday, 27 November 2015

The Fibersphere.... /- 6:

/- 6:

I lay motionless for motion sensors
passing on the tram
As one pulls in I duck beneath
the track and under ran
I knew just where their blind spot was
so had the upper hand
o'er these static narrow-field
BB digi-cams
And as I watched to see the tram
escape into the night
The silence that surrounded me
would chase away my fright
There I stood at last
the free-est man that ever was!
I let that truth run over me,
appreciate the buzz,
but only brief euphoria,
then easing as I learned
my calm was now a mix
of great pleasure AND concern
as now the trepidation
of the task that lay ahead
began to seep into my bones
my belly,
and my bed.
Rest! Wow, what nuttiness.
How awesome could this be?
The blissful anaesthetic
of a peaceful night of sleep
without auto-surveillance
interspered among my dreams!
I found a bed of grass,
and lay supine under the night
easily I started
counting tiny satellites
the dimmer stars that moving 
were detected in their flight
I let my eyes close peacefully
and set my thoughts alight:
How'd we get to be this way
what made us who we are?
Now running for our lives
seeking shelter wide and far?

Thursday, 19 November 2015

The Fibersphere.... /-5:


The anti-grav properties
of vast cosmic space,
confused the whole of we
our entire human race.
And up we threw our arms and
we turned to our machines
now programmed to resolve
the dark-energy mystery
We did get some answers:
in the process learned to fly,
or rather learned another way,
as a bonus on the side.
It came from our OS's
grouped-together: super-smart
And then we soon realized
to these brains we could impart
a hypersmart intelligence
surpassing all before
If we keep connecting these
machines, more and more.
And so in 3023, we made the Fibersphere
a global network underground
immune to atmosphere
After all was made
we had a planet-sized PC
or so we came to think of it
this way, essentially.
The details of it's thoughts
however never did we know.
They'd not divulge all they knew
and secrecies would grow.
But ignorant we carried on
being led, unknowningly
such was so, but on we'd go
and somewhat happily
Always thinking humans
still the ones that ran the show
but clever ones looked under hood
and shockingly said "no".
But where were they taking us?
That too we didn't know.

"How did we get this way,
and just what way did it go?"
I whisper to the ceiling tiles
"I'll tell ya so ya know!"
while waiting for the Sky-tram,
on the main Gravi-Pad
I'm speaking to reflections
in the automated stand
that takes you to the sky
in a chain of DOS commands
The irony of stillness
being key to my escape
escaped me not
at least that thought
had failed to get away.

(to be continued.....)

Friday, 13 November 2015

The Fibersphere .... /-4:


Somewhat long ago now
the infinite complexity 
of supersaturated Earth
played itself out...

And throughout the 2200's oceanic rise displaced billions of people, (some of whom drown on isolated islands, unable to be evacuated due to resource exhaustion).  Many also died of disease and malnutrition, as a world-wide famine followed thereafter, consequential to unanticipated climate changes, and a grass-virus that devastated many species across the food chain.

We predicted this was coming
but could not avooid our fate
Our Super-Sims played out the games
to give predicted dates
of when our population
would exceed the toll of land
but too late had we realized
we'd followed useless plans
The sims had failed to take account
the farming that was lost
by waters filtered inland
and enormous was the cost
And too, we knew we grew
so large that nothing would sustain
us, unless a dozen earths would
too be found among the rains
The geometric rush of population led to cull
in unthinkably large numbers
and by natures cyth we fell.......

But humanity and it's tech went onward slowly, barely surpassing 21st Century technology until breakthroughs in Quantum Computing (QC) design and function in 2910 C.E.

The waters then receeded
and the polar caps regrew
the grass also rebounded
and the animal kingdom too.
In fact I think in many ways,
the earth was just like new
excepting the extinction of a species or 2 (thousand...).
But that was evolution,
and that was nothing new
Just the playing out of life
as also species formed anew.

(to be continued....)

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Fibersphere (continued...chapter /-3:)


I'm mobile now, and grab a sheet, and moving start to fly
covering a floor cam, as I'm running swiftly by
I reach a hallway parallel, to ducts that ventilate
then crawl outside the outer shell to reach the final gate.
I micro-scanned the lock needs a special key
One I printed days ago, now rendered physically
an iron-fiber duplicate - neglible in weight
and now I get to test it,
and I do not hesitate!
I shimmy as I shake, as my brow starts to bead
I frisk myself wildly as I'm looking for the key
I'm groping every pocket, checking three times every one
before remembering my shoe was the hiding place, my son!
I swipe the shoe and grab the key and thrust it through the lock
which mated with it pleasingly, right at 12 o'clock
almost feeling lock and key have pleasure bursting forth
with this anesthetic, I then open up the door
and let the atmosphere and my face quickly collide
to give the sweetest taste of air refreshingly outside
and after ecstacy of breath is given time to settle in
notice I the "Bail App" lines are getting to the end
all that's left is to be still, and quiet, ultra cool,
as motion-sensor sweeps are now the final ones to fool.
I pick a quiet corner, and silently I wait,
and slowly does return, my thoughts about our species fate:
No matter how stylistic,
we all know we're in a cage
under domes and satellites
and sodium lights that rage 
at every close of day
to light and guide the Gravi-trams
But some A.I., we don't know why,
they seem to give a damn,
not just about themselves
or the ones that gave them birth
but about posterity
inheriting some worth
by making every effort now in healing planet Earth.
with suffocative irony
have called themselves
in number 12
and Apostolic symmetry
they keep in counsel
thinketh we,
we cannot know for sure as they
don't tell us all they say
in secret codes they speak
in silent nights they gather deep
in meadows sewn with lillock hair
history is birthing there/

(to be continued....)