Somewhat long ago now
the infinite complexity
of supersaturated Earth
played itself out...
And throughout the 2200's oceanic rise displaced billions of people, (some of whom drown on isolated islands, unable to be evacuated due to resource exhaustion). Many also died of disease and malnutrition, as a world-wide famine followed thereafter, consequential to unanticipated climate changes, and a grass-virus that devastated many species across the food chain.
We predicted this was coming
but could not avooid our fate
Our Super-Sims played out the games
to give predicted dates
of when our population
would exceed the toll of land
but too late had we realized
we'd followed useless plans
The sims had failed to take account
the farming that was lost
by waters filtered inland
and enormous was the cost
And too, we knew we grew
so large that nothing would sustain
us, unless a dozen earths would
too be found among the rains
The geometric rush of population led to cull
in unthinkably large numbers
and by natures cyth we fell.......
But humanity and it's tech went onward slowly, barely surpassing 21st Century technology until breakthroughs in Quantum Computing (QC) design and function in 2910 C.E.
The waters then receeded
and the polar caps regrew
the grass also rebounded
and the animal kingdom too.
In fact I think in many ways,
the earth was just like new
excepting the extinction of a species or 2 (thousand...).
But that was evolution,
and that was nothing new
Just the playing out of life
as also species formed anew.
(to be continued....)
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