Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Fibersphere...../- 30:

/- 30:

As I think about those words
of that prophetic ghost
I think these words through 

to my cybernetic host
and signals from my brain
out through my neural port then go
down the cable, joined into 

the chair I'm sitting lo
and then they are received
by "the 12", who'll send just one
of 68 replies they start compiling

to suit the questions best they get
once my transmission's done

And so I get a quick response
and quite a shock in ways 
more than just the speed
and dizziness that it conveyed: 

And so began their picked reply 
seen in only my minds eye
"Yes, in fact, you are quite right 

for some the programs lacked 
an overarching purpose
to the "life" they strove to have. 

One only seeing cycles
of ending birth and death
could maybe be forgiven
if the point they didn't get. 

"What's the point?"
They're bound to ask!
What answers could they have?

So some type 2s made Programs 
defining why that life should be
and the answer chose
was very close to words of Dr. Free 

Not in form detail, of course
but in philosophy.
This changed the shape of their arc 

to one that would sustain
as long as immortality
was excluded from the game. 

Unchecked growth is cancerous: 
the cells that never die
will kill the organism
that allows them to survive.
It's not they're fault
but would be ours
if we did the same
with such a stern reminder
built inside our bodie's frame, 

those apoptosis lessons
so directly in our face
Hey man, you'll get over it
just get out of the way
of the people coming after! 

They've got better things to say, 
better things to think 
new and better ways
of dealing with tomorrow
that's mother nature's way
and how she likes to play. 

(to be continued...)

Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Fibersphere...../- 29:

/- 29:

One among the uncloned in our not too distant past, unfaulted by most, struck chords with many among his own contemporaries and later through posterity, when, in a declaration of fleeting magical insight, whisperingly spake:

"The meaning of Life,
Our very sacred duty,
The reason that we're here:  

To Appreciate Beauty"
Beauty in every form, not just visual
not just sensual,
not just factual

but beauty mathemathical
and beauty in the rational
or numbers defined otherwise
like pi and e, unendingly
we're fascinated as to why
There's beauty in the margins
now seen further from the left
by anacronym inventors
who haven't got it yet.
But georgeous contradictions
like a cross across the sky
seen in every inquiry
divirgence often wide
like dividing by zero
or the core of a black hole
that one exception at hand
that's so often critical
to let the whole thing stand
within an architeture
that's beautifully planned...
And then there's some phenomema 

that don't help us to survive 
hinting perhaps that life is more 
than just staying alive. 
1) humor,
2) music,
3) fascination with the stars,
these non-Darwinian traits of ours; 

Beauty lives in each of these
in surplus and abundantly
and super-indispensibly
Beauty is surrounding we
in every way
known how to be.

We hope to think we're not alone 

but let's suppose we were
we'd still be indispensible
to the universe

if our purpose said above
is the truth we are to find,
we go from supermeaningless
to the only conscious minds
able to appreciate the cosmic tapestry
of infinite superlative immense lumosity
And since appreciation 

is nuanced a million ways
our flawed and human point of view,
would find it's special way
- some precious revelation
that only we could find
as only we were tainted
with just the right stain of wine
to constrast the pixie dust
against the stain behind.
The pixie dust we'd need
that only our flaws can find
The beauty of the pretzel shaped
logic of the mind
the beauty of the strange 

irrationality of time
the beauty of everyday, 

of motionless or strange
or the beauty of explosions 

spread across the cosmic stage 
If we could just appreciate an atom's worth of such
we'd find our utter peace of mind,
knowing we've done much
to help fullfill or purpose
with our uniquely human touch" ~ Dr. S.L.B. Free

(to be continued....)

Sunday, 8 May 2016

The Fibersphere ... /- 28

/- 28:

"Now whether conscience souls 
could really see thru eyes of 'bots 
In terms of future species health 
The answer mattered not.
"Let's suppose such was the case
(they acted in this way)
That meant whatever thoughts were theirs 

would never go away.
"And so the planet overgrew 
with many older thoughts
Plus their ancient urge to breed 

Had never been turned off
And what was found throughout 

these death-deprived societies 
Was an overall decline 
in species raw vitality.
"But that's saying it quite kindly, 
they found very bitter pills...
If individuals won't die,
the entire species will.

"And that's exactly what played out 
in some of these Type 2s. 
Over-choked by memes
overfilled and overused.

"They somehow had forgotten 
all the wisdom death can bring 
by obsoleting thoughts
we're better suited burying. 

"Death was a healing salve
The species needs around 

Re-quickening the newer lives 
and fresher thoughts abound 
"And forget did they the lessons 
that our own bodies taught 
about unrestricted growth... 
desireable is not.
"Our body needs programmed cell death 
to serve our body whole
Without this death, we can't survive
as cancer will take hold.

"As cancer cells are just the ones 
that have refused to die,
and arrogant proliferate
the body far and wide. 

"Appropriate analogy
this would seem to be, 
Why death of individuals - 
a great necessity
If the species wants to live 

long and healthily.
"And then on planet Peen we found
a billion dead robots
They suicided on the same day 

same time and same spot.
The reason we can never know... 

A note they never left.
Nobody was left around
to read it, maybe that is best(?)

"We didn't want the humans
ending up with the same fate  

Or some colossal hubris
killing off the human race.
A tragic population
of Immortals Obsolete
had met their end precisely
and with synchronicity
and this too within
our very own galaxy...
the suicides of Peen
But for grace of 'Ah' go we.  

"So we changed the slope of progress
to avoid this kind of scene
But there's further method madness
not displayed, quite as of yet
Only later revelations come
only when you smarter get"  

(to be continued....)

Sunday, 1 May 2016

The Fibersphere .... /- 26: /- 27:

/- 26:

Finally I find the hallway
coming to an end
the floor lights that were flashing green 

have now turned solid red.
And so instinctually I stop
in the centre-circled floor
sit in the chair that's sitting there
and plug into the board.
The neuro-link cable is
resting gently on the arm
of the chair that's centered there,
my suspicion now disarmed.
I gently plug the cable to
my neuro-port connect,
that's now inter-signalling
to my occipital cortex
to back and forth comminicate
with host AI plugged in
and that can transfer any big 

communicating Sim
Not really a sim, but better
one could think of as a dream
A super-conscience flexible
two-way data stream.
Always there were glitches
errors often will abound
turning time backwards
and often rearranging nouns
but less this often mattered 

compensated by the plot,
ignoring all the vagrancies
to satisfy it's job

usually to give a message 
or impart a skill
And rarely it imparted talents 

almost magical. 
But these neural-interfaces 
often times were feared
as you never really understood  
all their working gears.
Nonetheless, I take a seat
and giving my consent

I close my eyes,
to realize
the program now begins....  

/- 27:

And in the eye
of my mind
I watch things taking shape
of words that now are entering
my head's unique landscape
This sim took the form of a
professor teaching class
and down I go into the place
where ideas pass...
It calls me by my birth name 

I've not heard in quite a while
we called each other different names
and forgot the reason's why.
So I first ask the question
everybody wants to know
why does our progress
seem now moving so slow?
Why have not we found
the means to immortality?
And why have we not by now  

reached singularity?

And so Brother A began.........

"Consciousness we never learned 
to house inside machines
Not just us, but noone has

inside our galaxy
"We could build smart machines
that keep our memories
And replicate the details
of our personalities  

"And once the upload was complete
The new "I" came on-line
And check it out! The real person
Didn't even have to die!
"They'd have a carbon-copy self
walk and talk around
Keeping up with all affairs
'Til their owner hit the ground.
"But while alive, through their copy
they were not able to see. 

They had not it's perception,
it's P.O.V. a mystery
"It looked like them and spoke like them
near identically
Their owners never really sure
the nature of what's made.
"Was this their new immortal self?
Or just a new charade?
They died of course,
like all before
Yet part of them survived
in a robot frame designed
to mimic them alive."

But how would all of this play out?

"We thankful, now can say 

From other singularities 
spawned in our Milky Way. 
"Warp-speed entangled probes 
detected some type 2s,
and those populations
we then thoroughly perused" 

(Type 2s: very advanced
Tech societies
harnessing their stars
entire cache of energy)
"These beings reached a
a techno singularity,

with a sort of machine
kind of immortality"
My host then shows a map
full 3D inside my head,
A gigantic mass of stars,
filling our galactic bed
and showing where our sun is found
between 2 major lanes
twinkle now, seven type 2s,
scattered every way
and none seem very close to Earth
in fact they look quite far
I'd say some 100 years
away, their closest star,
at the very fastest speed
that capable we are.
"But there are ways to get around
you barely know exist.
Actually you don't at all.
I'm just slapping your tits!"
(The humor of Bro A, was not
always appropriate,
but this last mark had missed so wide
it worried me a bit...
was mistranslation
by the sim the thing 

that is to blame?
or has it's creativity 

gone slightly West of sane?
or was it me, sitting here, 

taxing this redoubt
maximally saturating 

all it's ins and outs
that my host must disentangle, 

and at any given time 
glitches vary widely 
from eulogy to pantomime 
(mercifully not yet observed 
at the same time) 

(to be continued...)