Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Fibersphere...../- 29:

/- 29:

One among the uncloned in our not too distant past, unfaulted by most, struck chords with many among his own contemporaries and later through posterity, when, in a declaration of fleeting magical insight, whisperingly spake:

"The meaning of Life,
Our very sacred duty,
The reason that we're here:  

To Appreciate Beauty"
Beauty in every form, not just visual
not just sensual,
not just factual

but beauty mathemathical
and beauty in the rational
or numbers defined otherwise
like pi and e, unendingly
we're fascinated as to why
There's beauty in the margins
now seen further from the left
by anacronym inventors
who haven't got it yet.
But georgeous contradictions
like a cross across the sky
seen in every inquiry
divirgence often wide
like dividing by zero
or the core of a black hole
that one exception at hand
that's so often critical
to let the whole thing stand
within an architeture
that's beautifully planned...
And then there's some phenomema 

that don't help us to survive 
hinting perhaps that life is more 
than just staying alive. 
1) humor,
2) music,
3) fascination with the stars,
these non-Darwinian traits of ours; 

Beauty lives in each of these
in surplus and abundantly
and super-indispensibly
Beauty is surrounding we
in every way
known how to be.

We hope to think we're not alone 

but let's suppose we were
we'd still be indispensible
to the universe

if our purpose said above
is the truth we are to find,
we go from supermeaningless
to the only conscious minds
able to appreciate the cosmic tapestry
of infinite superlative immense lumosity
And since appreciation 

is nuanced a million ways
our flawed and human point of view,
would find it's special way
- some precious revelation
that only we could find
as only we were tainted
with just the right stain of wine
to constrast the pixie dust
against the stain behind.
The pixie dust we'd need
that only our flaws can find
The beauty of the pretzel shaped
logic of the mind
the beauty of the strange 

irrationality of time
the beauty of everyday, 

of motionless or strange
or the beauty of explosions 

spread across the cosmic stage 
If we could just appreciate an atom's worth of such
we'd find our utter peace of mind,
knowing we've done much
to help fullfill or purpose
with our uniquely human touch" ~ Dr. S.L.B. Free

(to be continued....)

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