Wednesday, 26 June 2019

My new hero on the Women's Soccer Team

U.S. Women's Soccer captain Megan Rapinoe
Is newly in the running for my de-jour hero.
A reporter from the "Eight by "Eight, a soccer magazine,
Asked her, if the world cup was captured by her team,
And if she got an invite to the White House, when it came
She would reject it outright, and her answer was profane:
"No, I'm not going to the fucking White House" she was heard
as saying in reply (and I'm quoting, word for word).
Her obvious rejection, was not what I liked best,
As that decision is a common one these days, because the rest
Of the planet (save the middle of the map),
Sees the tit for what it is...a tit...and that is that.
A boob who's only purpose seems to be to suck himself,
And praise himself repeatedly, for there is no-one else
Buffoon enough to praise their clear amorality
As often and as grossly unconvincingly, as he.
The vomitrocious nature of what's happen below
Is sickening to think about, and hear about, I know.
I try to turn it off, close the screen or close my eyes
But the lunacy returns again, no matter hard I try
to change the topic in my head, and then I wonder why
new border camps for immigrants do now exist today
in a country who's inhabitants came mostly from away?
No, the best part of this tale, for me, was when she swore.
So refreshingly contrasting, to what we've seen before.
When reporters eat a littany of lies, thick and dense,
we don't hear the called-for ridicule, just silence.
The protocol of press pools and briefings on TV
expect a kind decorum, so what we never see
is what their really thinking, only staring silently.
But take it to the street, and the jungle laws prevail.
I assure you those lies, if told elsewhere, would fail
in the most obvious and laughably embarrassing way
that they would not be told again (or less so anyway).
So down with the politeness that they never have returned!
If you know a lie's a lie, then say so and they'll learn
that such a thing will not be met with silence (and assent
as interpreted by some, who mightn't even know it yet).
So way to go, Rapinoe!  I hope you make it far!
Your flipping bird to idiot supreme, has won my heart!

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