Saturday, 29 June 2019

Whitney Houston's 2019 tour!

On a topic I wrote on just a day before,
I might wanna to say just a little bit more
and if you don't find it too much of a bore
I'll tell you about the Whitney Houston tour.
They announced it a month and a week ago
(with a publishing deal, don't you know).
"The Greatest Love if All" will return to the stage
via state-of-the-art holograms made,
and backed by living musicians as well
and back-up singers, 'cause....what the hell?
The most awarded woman of humanity
is now breaking new ground, posthumously.
I'm not sure how to feel....her estate runs the show.
And they're not fooling anyone, we all have to know.
She's a talent for certain, to remember her, rocks!
But in this way?  Maybe it's got
a certain validity, since there is no
alternative - no where else you could go
to see her perform, save through video.
But the publishing deal, I mentioned before
might be the way they leave open the door
to making a musical, album, or play
"new Whitney now...not seen 'fore today!"
It might be valid, legal and sly.
But it doesn't sit well.....and I'm not sure why.
Where would it stop?   Who all can we make?
Which ones are real and which ones are fake?
And if it were fake, would it matter still
so long as it's a reasonable fa-si-mill (?)
Authenicity might go down the drain
and not have the value it still has today.
But maybe I'm wrong, and it'll be great.
Her family must think so anyway.
So let's see what happens...and enjoy the ride!
It's just getting started.....let's see if it flies!

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