Saturday, 22 June 2019

The first day of summer!

The first day of summer went and came
and all else seems to be much the same
but now I realize at very long last
that I haven't blogged here since way in the past
So finally I'm making an effort again
to do what I did, and then do it again
a habit to form, I suppose ain't that hard
as long as you start with one foot in the yard (?)
Ok, I'll admit, my words are a bit rusty
so forgive me if this first poem is dusty.
It's only detritis my brain brushes off
as I reaquaint it with lyric prowess I've lost.
So happy first day of summer plus one
belating is also a way to have fun (?)
yeah, well Ok, I think I should run
before more writing like that gets done.
Thanks for your watching and reading and eyes,
your boredom a condition that I empathize
And partly the reason, the what and the why
I make silly rhymes to distract our eyes
from the blubbering buffoonish nonsense south
So I write these words instead of running my mouth
And if you can relate, and I think we agree
I'm choosing to exist more happily
by pretending the nonsense just isn't real
were all learned from the best, these ideas to steal
if you don't like reality, deny it exists.
no one will notice....just like my fist
through a newscreen flies
How in the world are we stuck with this guy?
He's an idiot man-child shit display
that never lets reality get in the way
of the fiction continually sputtering out
from a mouth that humanity could do without.
The more it exhaust my sense of calm,
I want to scream at all those boobs.....ah the hell with it, I'm not even gonna try to rhyme this one.
Whoops, I got a little carried away,
But remember where we're at today
and many won't blame me, I hopefully say.
So that's where I stand, and that's where I land
in a place that is real.....not fantasy land.
Though I do sometimes visit, in a much different way
through songs and poems and vids these days.
So if I offend, then please step aside
But if I amuse, (I say without pride), thank you for reading......there's more inside!
(inside my future head?  translation-stay tuned)

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