Tuesday, 14 July 2015

little Bumbaloo

I couldn't dare wait another day
Before I threw the old format away
I had seven accents in a phrase
But lest I put the reader in a daze
{and likely so it's happened thusly hence
I hope that not too many jumped the fence
Or hopefully nobody at all
Had run without hitting back the ball.
I decided then to begin the next phase
5 accents for now I think is the way
That I'll make departure from the norm
So not all my catalogue conforms
To the things I've done before today
And so THAT fear at least,
shall go away

But have I anything to really say
Beyond the style I'll use to help convey
Such messages, or message, if there be
Such a thing? Assuming you agree
The time you spend with me is not unwise.
I'll help you to avoid mistakes of mine
And give an angle on some other things
Particularly one I'd like to bring
To the very forefront of today:
A feeling that has never gone away
Since the day she came upon this earth
(And on that day, I too, had rebirth)


the feeling that requickened me:
a love that doesn't care
whether it's deserved or not
or put on any airs
completely unconditional
to any circumstance
completely indissolveable
immune to whim or chance.
that love is for my little girl
who now is only 2
but everyday she's here I feel 
like I could kiss the moon
and too the sky of course
as Hendrix liked to say
but I'm acting silly
with a giddiness each day
that even though she ages 
the excitement doesn't sway
So thank you sweet Alexa
for the smile that you have made
a feature almost permanent
and me and mommy's face.

'es....that is!

I gave a brief 
reverting to the past
but it's been contained, 
you see at last
and so these lines 
do end a brief relapse 
to the seven accents, 
but I sass,
of course there couldn't be any regret
in rhyming 'bout the sweetest girl I've met
There's nothing that for her I wouldn't give
and thankfulness I feel superlative
for gratefully receiving such a gift.
A heart could feel otherwise adrift
without such a sure and steady beat
felt from your hair to your feet
the love that she has given and received
before we would never have believed
that such a thing was possible in ways
that exceeded all predictions we had made
or at least assumed in our ignorance
and we've learned how wrong that we were, since
And now we do embrace the mystery
that gave us what we firmly do believe
(of course we know all parents have the same
feelings for their spawn in every way)
A galaxy's perfected masterpeice
Lays upstairs, soundly asleep
for reasons that we'll never comprehend
This beauty, to us, has been given
And though it is responsibility
In ways our youth never dared conceive
We're paid in measures far beyond our risk
We feel it daily, double asterisk
** in the pitter-patter of her run
from room to room upstairs when having fun
in the little babbling she does
the cutest phrases that there ever was!
We feel daily even unadorned
with any specificity that's formed
And so I can no longer keep inside
this freak epiphany I cannot hide
All that I can do is try to write
And hope a word or two might take to flight
And land on commerserating hearts

Camaraderie received to then impart

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