Friday, 10 July 2015

Looking at the stars....

Fairly far the feeble fragments
of my fleeting thoughts
like fireflys and dancing eyes
that never can be caught
Then rest upon the mistress
of that ornamented sky
the light pollution whiting out
the stars that twinkle by
And looking up I see them
as they looked deep in their youth
I'm kissing nature with my tongue
Inhaling when I'm through
Though you may not take much offence,
historically of course
Obscenities aren't really real
inside a metaphor
But be that as it may, I'm told
Nature does seduce!
It can and does
And will, because
It has no other moves
It's never less than awesome!
Never blah or so-and-so
Wherever nature take us,
If alive, we have to go.
Our quaint illusions of control
or immortality
makes Nature smirk with eyes a-roll
She whispers roaringly,
"Locking door won't help, you know,
I have a master key!"
So climb the mountains if you must
Or ride white-water flow
But if you do remember what
the great explorers know
Nature can't be conquered
Never could be, never close
So deep respect must hug your chest
And make sure that you know
We're only here a fleeting time
And we don't own this plot
She allows our tenancy,
But dominion we have not.

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